Songs from Movies

  1. Can you do, “Misty Mountain Cold”? It’s from the movie Hobbit

    • IyIy oyoy IyIy uyuy IyIy oyoPpyp yoyoy
      IyIy oyoy IyIy uyuy IyIy oyoPpyp yoyoy
      Jhfd jhfd jhfd jhfd
      Jjhfdhap as op Jjhfdhap as Gh Df hjkhjkCk hGf Ck hjk Cxz
      lkj hGd a Jjhfdhap aassGGjk hjkddssaapuuooaaddddssaap
      uuooaaddGddssaapuuoossjj jjhffdap ffhhkkzz bbvxxzkj hjkddssaap
      j H j H j f j d
      p S j H j H j f j d
      Jjhfdhap as op Jjhfdhap
      as Gh kz cvbn m nbvCn
      CkhGf Ckhjk Cxzlkj G
      Jjhfdhap aa ss GG jk
      hjk dd ss aa p uu oo aa dd
      dd ss aa p uu oo aa dd G dd ss aa p uu oo aa ff G
      dd ss aa p oo ss ff jj jj h ff dap ff hh kk zz
      bb v xx zkj
      hjk dd ss aa p uu oo aa ff G dd ss aa p uu oo aa ff G
      dd ss aa p oo ss ff jj k

  2. can you play tsunaida te ni kisu wo from the grayman

  3. Let it go please Idina Menzel from the movie Frozen please please

  4. Can somebody do all the songs from phantom of the opera?? Please

  5. i found this Let it Go Music Sheet on a website but its unfinished said to the writer :/

    GhaGh hhGhG pfGpfGp d s GhaGh hhGhG pfGpfGp d S aaaaapo oopp ooI uuaa adda oopapop aadfdadddsas aaapop aapou | y[9ey] ppdd ppdf [8wt]fdf[fs]dfGhGG [9ey] ppdd[9ey] ppf[fs] [8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt]d[8wtf]G[8wth][8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt][8wt] fGh

    This Is Only The Note That Guy Finished.

  6. Really want sheet for Hanz zimmer – interstellar main theme and Clint mansell – leaving earth,please make this if will you have a time))

  7. And Two Steps From Hell – Rebirth ,nice soundtrack.

  8. Can you please make a sheet for the avengers theme song, or music from marvel movies…

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